Preforming Arts @ Bergen

The new performing arts curriculum emphasizes an interdisciplinary approach encouraging collaboration among music, theater arts, dance, fine arts, broadcasting and cinema studies. The professors, directors, choreographers, musicians, designers, distinguished guest artists, and technical staff at BCC are not only experienced but are working professionals in their fields. The Performing Arts Department at BCC offers a rich and varied environment for artistic challenge and growth. Whether you choose to continue your studies after BCC or go directly into the entertainment field, your experience at BCC will give you the valuable foundation you need for a life in the performing arts.

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Course Listing

Step up and take center stage at BCC's Preforming Arts Program.
MUA – 101 Bass I provides instructions in bass designed to develop the student’s level of proficiency. The student attends one lesson per week. Lesson times are arranged during the first of classes. 1 lecture, 1 lab, 1 credit

MUA – 102 Guitar I provides instruction in guitar designed to develop the student’s level of proficiency. The student attends one lesson per week. Lesson times are arranged during the first week of classes. 1 lecture, 1 lab, 1 credit

MUA – 103 Percussion I provides instruction in percussion designed to develop the student’s level of proficiency. The student attends one lesson per week. Lesson times are arranged during the first week of classes. 1 lecture, 1 lab, 1 credit

Applied Music

Applied lessons are 1/2 hour weekly. The college does not provide instruments.

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Learn how to apply a basic knowledge of music to broader ideas, such as writing and composing.

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MUS – 101 Music Appreciation is a study of the materials and basic components of music, primary musical forms and major musical styles, and of the development of music form the pre-Baroque period to the present 3 lectures, 3 credits General Education Course

MUS – 103 Fundamentals of Music is a study of such rudiments of music as notation, the structure of scales, intervals, keys triads, and simple harmonic progressions. 3 lectures, 3 credits

MUS – 105 A History of Jazz in America is a study of the historical development of jazz from its origin as a form of Black American folk music to its acceptance as a major expression of American art. 3 lectures, 3 credits
THR – 101 Introduction to the Theatre is a study of live theatre and how  it has developed historically and culturally, and how it is analyzed and evaluated. This is primarily a theory course, but it also includes theatre-going assignments. 3 lectures, 3 credits General Education Course

THR – 109 History of Musical Theatre This course is a chronological survey course that explores musical theatre from its early beginnings to the present. In a lecture and discussion format, students will explore examples of musical theatre to illustrate musical elements, musical and theatrical techniques, and structural form. Selected works will be considered from the context of their relationship with historical and artistic values. 3 lecutres 3 credits General Education Course.

THR – 110 Basic Acting Techniques utilizes practical exercises to aid the beginning actor in developing technique from which to build self-confidence and believable characterizations. The course stresses the importance of self-discipline in developing creativity and freedom in voice and movement. Assignments include the presentation of scenes from various works during the semester. 2 lectures, 2 labs, 3 credits


Learn the techniques that will make you a pro at performing on stage.

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